Source of Financial Assistance
FACS Niagara Education Financial Assistance bursary
For youth in, or formerly in extended care to attend postsecondary education or training. Contact your FACS worker or Edward.Goerzen@facsniagara.on.ca
OACAS Clark Bursary
For youth in, or formerly in extended care, or on VYSA, to attend post secondary education or training. For full application details, visit www.ontarioyouthcan.org/clarkbursaryprogram/.
Questions? Contact awards@oacas.org
Living and Learning Grant
For current and former individuals in extended society care (Crown Wards). You are automatically considered for this grant when you apply for OSAP.
Refund of Application Fees
Ontario Crown Ward Postsecondary Application fee reimbursement Program
Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada
The CAFC has a scholarship and bursary program available to individuals formerly in care, as well as access to the Ted Rogers scholarship. There are also supports for post-secondary tutoring, application fees, or for courses outside of University/College education through the HSBC Youth Opportunity Fund, all of which can be found in the Youth/Education page of our website here https://www.cafdn.org/for-youth/educational-support
Telus Mobility for Good
Telus will provide a free phone and cell phone package to youth formerly in care.